Blog comment 1


This post indeed is valuable as the reader can follow your problem and your ways of solving them in a good and easy way. The reader likewise gets a glimpse of how you thought when trying to solve your problems. You start off by explaining what you have been working on in summary on why you felt it was essential to start with it. Your motivation on why you started with the bee swarm was good because the reader gets that it might be the hardest and trickiest part of your game. However, further vital mechanics cannot be developed without the bee swarm, e.g., the replacing of the player bee and helping the player. The reader can follow your creative process when creating the bee swarm from stage one to the finished product. You further explain why you do it in specific ways by doing that the reader gets an idea of what your problem might have been and how you solved them.

//Adam Olsson (adol2655)

Comment on Samantha

Hello Samantha, Adam Olsson here programmer from group lycanthrope. You give a reasonable explanation and recap of what you and your group has been doing these past weeks. I find it interesting to read what challenges you have met under your work, and I can relate to your struggle with the group changing things you came to agree to the last week as my group tended to do similar things from time to time. I can see the problem on having excellent communication, backlogs, and planning if the group is not adamant about updating the backlog, or the sprint plan or if they do not check the communication channels as they are essential things to have a smooth development and an excellent group dynamics. It is fascinating to read how you have grown as a group and how much you have grown in these weeks.

All in all: I find this post useful and fun to read, that explains what problem you have faced and how you overcame them. You also gave a summary of what you have been working on so anyone could come in and read it and still get an idea what you have been doing.

Fast question what do you mean by ”nkfeladsnkjfas.” in the Challenges section

Adam Olsson 97 adol2655 group lycanthrope.

Comment on Oscar Vines


Hello, Adam Olsson here, another programmer. Your post is informative and exciting and explains what you have been doing in conjunction with your opinion and insight to playtesting. I find it relatable with what you say about not being able to find all the bugs yourself, as I have my self-been in that situation many times. The ever tiering argument about fresh eyes are very used but also accurate as you state in your text.

I like your solution to the background problem you encountered I find is pleasing and creative. I understand what you mean about very time consuming for the artist to hand-draw a giant map. It is also ineffective as you state code can solve it.

All in all, I would say it is an excellent post that explains the importance of playtesting and getting in your own opinions in the matter, and not only that, but you went into a problem you found when you coded and broke it down and explained it to the reader. A big plus for trying to explain to the reader how you solved the problem, the only problem I can find is that the explaining in the latter part can be a bit high level and hard to understand for non-coder. Great job

// Adam Olsson (97 adol2655)

Comment 4 Kaijun Wang

Add a new enemy type: shooting enemy

Hello Kaijun.
It is clear on why you wanted to create the new enemy type. To engage the player in more ways, to put a new enemy with new behavior that the player has never seen before is an excellent way to add more diversity to the game.

You also explained what you had been working on because you give an excellent description of the behavior of the enemy and what it is going to do.
You also explain the method you used. I think that it is interesting that you choose to use the Rigidbody 2D to move the enemy as personly I did not know that beforehand.

All in all: I think that this is an excellent post. Being able to describe your thought process when making the enemy. You also explained how you made the enemy using the Rigidbody system and other behaviors of the enemy. You also state what you are going to do in the future with the Sky ray which I think is interesting to see that you have thought about things you want to improve or change.

// Adam Olsson 97 (adol2655)


Blog post 2 Comment on Edin Karakurt

The reader got a clear picture of what the author has been working. The writer also explains why it was essential and the teams thought process when the power-up was developed and made it a reality. The reader also got a sense what the writer encountered when he created the power-up, how the power-up became a suicide by making all of the enemies targeting the player. The reader would personally like a bit more on how that problem was solved because that part as it would be interesting to see the solution to that problem. The blog explains the creation of the power-up satisfyingly, but a bit more in-depth analysis of the creation would elevate the blog standard a fair bit, mainly because the reader would get a more in-depth understanding of the creators’ struggles and breaks through.
All in all: an excellent post that explains the creation of the power-up with solid arguments why and how it was done. However, it lacked a bit in depth and details in the how department.

Comment created by Adam Olsson 97 (adol2655)

Blog Comment week 3 On Natasha Bianca Mangan

The Effects of Scrum on my Game’s Development


Hello Natasha, as a reader I got a clear picture what how scrum have helped you both as a game designer, programmer and how it has helped your group. It is fascinating to be able to read about Scrum in depth, and the effect of what scrum has had in examples the group has had. What the blog mentioned about how Scrum has helpt the group to be a better group is very interesting and relatable.
It is also interesting to read how the group has solved how to work in Scrum as it is a learning experience for the reader also. The comparison between Scrum and waterfall was fascinating. It was nice to read that you had experience with Waterfall so we could get a more detailed description of why Scrum is better.
Overall this post is excellent and learning experience for everybody that was reading it. The only thing I noticed was that the structure of the text was a bit messy but otherwise a magnificent blog.

// Adam Olsson 97 (adol2655)